I sell the apartment myself

I myself sell an apartment what to do ❓
In this case, exhibit on Olh and wait.
🌟 We suggest you approach this question professionally.
✅ Check availability of all documents: View and explore all documents. Do not think that they are in full order. Reality may be different.
✅ Invite a photographer or take a picture of yourself, but without open toilet bowls, towels, scattered things and terrible lighting.
✅ We recommend to draw a layout. But not a handle on the line and not take a picture of the plan from the technical plan, but ask for a designer. Lucky!
✅ Specify the phone number on which you will answer. And this is not a joke, many indicate, and then not to reach the week
❗ Make an ad so that it can be read with interest.
✅ No abbreviations (PP, MPO, with / y) and so on. Do not copy all items from the construction contract, otherwise the buyer will fall on 3 points
✅ When displaying, prepare an apartment: remove unnecessary things from beds and chairs, in the kitchen hide everything from the table and unnecessary from the working surface ,, spritto the apartment, send a walk all family members, especially four-legged.
✅ Welcome coffee, bake a cake so that the buyer felt comfort and his desire to stay here
If you select us - Estate agent - then we will make it so to minimize your financial, physical and moral costs.
👉 Sell an apartment faster than a realtor - you can only in one case if the price is below the market by 30%.
🔝 Everything else is professionalism and competence of the issue we deal with daily 🔝.
Our phone: 📞 380672420707
In this case, exhibit on Olh and wait.
🌟 We suggest you approach this question professionally.
✅ Check availability of all documents: View and explore all documents. Do not think that they are in full order. Reality may be different.
✅ Invite a photographer or take a picture of yourself, but without open toilet bowls, towels, scattered things and terrible lighting.
✅ We recommend to draw a layout. But not a handle on the line and not take a picture of the plan from the technical plan, but ask for a designer. Lucky!
✅ Specify the phone number on which you will answer. And this is not a joke, many indicate, and then not to reach the week
❗ Make an ad so that it can be read with interest.
✅ No abbreviations (PP, MPO, with / y) and so on. Do not copy all items from the construction contract, otherwise the buyer will fall on 3 points
✅ When displaying, prepare an apartment: remove unnecessary things from beds and chairs, in the kitchen hide everything from the table and unnecessary from the working surface ,, spritto the apartment, send a walk all family members, especially four-legged.
✅ Welcome coffee, bake a cake so that the buyer felt comfort and his desire to stay here
If you select us - Estate agent - then we will make it so to minimize your financial, physical and moral costs.
👉 Sell an apartment faster than a realtor - you can only in one case if the price is below the market by 30%.
🔝 Everything else is professionalism and competence of the issue we deal with daily 🔝.
Our phone: 📞 380672420707
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